I hope my child looks back on today, and remembers a Mum who had time to play
There will be years for cleaning and cooking, but children grow up when we are not looking
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, cause babies grow fast, much to our sorrow
So settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I'm cuddling my baby, and babies don't keep
(Song for a Fifth Child)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

10 minutes turned wrong

Getting your 11 month old to sit still for one lousy picture is a test of patience and stamina that I just didn't have yesterday. So instead I let her take me on a little tour of the house and I snapped as I followed.  We hit all her favorite spots...

We started at the windows, but there was nothing to see.

We took her doll for a quick stroll, but Lady Bug deemed that activity silly and evicted her from the stroller.

So we headed off to the bathroom 
because there's always a toilet to flush.

and putting big brother's underwear on your head is .... just gross ::blech:: 
(I swear it's clean)

And a little brotherly love....

That turned into...

::Ladybug wailing::

Me:  June Bug, what happened?

June Bug:  I hit baby Lady Bug in the face. 

Me: WHY????!

June Bug:: ::blank stare that pretty much said why not??::

Awesome. Her first black eye.
::it's almost the weekend...
it's almost the weekend::

and repeat

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life is a Compromise

And June Bug has caught on to my negotiation strategy.

When he's particularly difficult and won't get dressed, my "please put on your shirt and pants" is met with wailing, world-ending misery. But a simple, ok, "well how about you put on your pants and shirt then?" is somehow totally different and results in a clothed 2 year old.

::shrug:: whatever gets him dressed because I can only imagine the tears that would ensue should he step outside naked in 30 degree weather.

Unfortunately, my language trick may have met its demise:

    Mama:          What do you want for breakfast?

    June Bug:     Peanut butter and jelly

    Mama:          No you had that for dinner. You need to eat something different.

    June Bug:     Fine. Jelly and peanut butter. 

Touché little dude. How can I argue?

And for the record, I still didn't give him PBJ. Mean mom.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

10 Minutes of Peace, Quiet, and Hot Water

OK, in full disclosure, it's really only hot water that I'm enjoying, seeing as I don't remember the last time I showered without company. Luckily June Bug is excellent about quietly sitting on my bed and reading while Lady Bug  occupies herself with the 1.2 million toys I dragged into the bathroom. She's quite adept when it comes to entertaining herself. Perhaps a little too much so.

Yesterday, she found a new toy, much to my sudden, cold surprise.

It clearly  provided endless, giggle-inducing fun.
I'm not entirely convinced she wasn't laughing at me shrieking and scrambling to escape what felt like ice pellets.

This kid is trouble.