I hope my child looks back on today, and remembers a Mum who had time to play
There will be years for cleaning and cooking, but children grow up when we are not looking
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, cause babies grow fast, much to our sorrow
So settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I'm cuddling my baby, and babies don't keep
(Song for a Fifth Child)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tumbling towards toddlerhood!

PhotobucketWith a mere two weeks until toddlerhood, I can't help but think where we were one year ago:

1. I was still pregnant, 5 days from my due date.
2. I really had 15 days until June Bug would actually join us---->
3. Publicity decided it was a good time to take photos in my room
4. I convinced Daddy Bug to watch the Bachelorette I had DVR'd

Publicity shot....2 days from my due date

I had long since shunned the show after a few bad seasons. But with 5 days to my due date and no desire to be productive I parked my tank-sized-self on the couch and got sucked into Ali's season. 

Why is this relevant to my baby blog? Because this is what I would  watch while in labor. Trust me when I tell you that the show is NOT intriguing enough to distract from a quickly worsening labor. The Bachelor/Bachelorette series is pretty painful at times to watch, add labor and well, you don't exactly have a party.

But since I had stuck out a 2 hour episode (seriously, why are they 2-hours???) with 90 second contractions on top of each other, I obviously had  to finish the season.  I'm convinced it was the Bachelorette that sent my labor into full force. It was shortly after the episode that I requested the anesthesiologist.
                  And as we attempted to watch Ashley's season this week, I'm wishing I still had that anesthesiologist at my disposal.
Current June Bug, with his lovely Turkey and Veggie Dinner
Now, one year later, Daddy Bug is a stay-at-home-dad to this cute little June Bug--------->

But he's decided he wants a job, Chris Harrison's to be exact.  Here's why...

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